Thursday, November 22, 2012

top salad with olive oil

Top Salad with Olive Oil 

top salad with olive oil

Did you know that the type of dressing you use makes all the difference in how healthful your salad is? Fat will help your body absorb all of the vitamins and nutrients in that bowl. The reason: Some nutrients, including vitamins A, D and E, are fat-soluble, meaning they can’t be absorbed by your body without fat. Research in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research has found that some fats are better than others at mobilizing all available nutrients in your meal. The study found that monounsaturated-fat-rich dressings, such as those made with canola or olive oil, required the least amount of fat to get the most carotenoid absorption. That means your body will absorb the best of the yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables you’re eating, as well as those leafy greens.

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