Saturday, November 10, 2012

Everest Skydive 2012.

Everest Skydive 2012
Final Preparation before the jump.
Long awaited Everest Skydive 2012 has been accomplished recently. The event started on October 31, 2012 with some test flights over Amadablam Base camp 15000ft by four crew members of Everest Skydive Wendy Smith, Tom Noonan, Derek Thomas and Dr. Ryan Jackson.
The first day of the Everest Skydive 2012 started on November 1, 2012 with nine lifts of test jumps over Syangboche, 12400ft. The next day November 2, 2012 was full with excitement and thrill with three lifts of final jumps over Amadablam Base camp and five over Syangboche. The final day of the Skydive November 3, 2012 had six lifts of final jumps over the Syangboche Airport.
This year the mission of Everest Skydive 2012 ended up making the history with 48 solos and 3 tandems over Syangboche and 13 solos over Amadablam Base camp.
As informed earlier the Everest Skydive 2012 was performed from AS 350 B3 helicopter, piloted by the Italian Veteran pilot Maurizio Follini who was well supported by the experienced Fishtail Air Captain Aashish Sherchan.
The skydivers shared their incredible experiences of jumping from the AS 350 B3 helicopters over 23000ft and finally landing at Syangboche 12400ft and Amadablam Base camp 15000ft. They said the jump was exciting and interesting from the AS 350 B3 helicopters at Amadablam. The helicopters were there at their drop zones to escort them to the Syangboche Airport just after their parachutes landed.
The more exciting details intact records and Ariel photographs regarding the Everest Skydive 2012 shall be relayed soon.
Everest Skydive 2012
Everest Skydive 2012
Exciting Adventure in the Himalayas

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