Saturday, November 3, 2012

tenacity housing project for new york by pinkcloud

'tenacity' by pinkcloud, new york, new york
all images courtesy of pinkcloud

danish firm pinkcloud has generated 'tenacity', a research proposal to revitalize the neglected and disadvantaged public housing 
communities of new york city. approximately 400,000 residents of the total urban population of 8 million live in poverty 
and deteriorating conditions. representing le corbusier's 'tower in the park' ideology, the 2,500 buildings were built in the mid 1940s 
on through the mid 1960s and are currently in diverse stages of disrepair. the theory intended to provide a solution for urban living 
for the poor but instead brought a slough of social problems to the surface.

a system of community pride hopes to become a catalyst to spur interaction, including communal agricultural fields and amenities 
at the expanses of underused ground level spaces around the corbusian residential blocks. turning to production, the yields will contribute 
fresh vegetables to supplement the unhealthy diets of the poorer population. spanning between the buildings at the rooftops, 
bridges with vocational schools and high-tech manufacturing and with more living quarters above them.

communal agricultural fields amidst the housing

elevated promenades


site plan


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