Friday, November 30, 2012

10 Best Box Office Bombs of 2012

John Carter

You know the old motto: follow the crowd! Stick with what's popular! Always let other people do your thinking for you! It's a sure-fire way to get ahead, and to make sure you only spend your time invested in the highest quality activities. Or so we thought. Upon looking back over the year of 2012 in movies, we noticed a handful of pictures that didn't quite win over the masses at the box office... but that certainly deserved to.

These are movies that, while not exactly popular, are of the highest tier of quality — some of these low grossers might actually top your list of favorites for the year (they certainly do for us), proving that the crowd doesn't always know what's right. But you should still totally always give in to peer pressure, and only buy clothes that celebrities wear.

As far as movies go, however, think for yourself. Or at least let us think for you. Check out our gallery of our favorite box office bombs of 2012.

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