Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What Is Your Favorite Movie of the Year? — POLL

best movies of 2012
With 2013 swiftly approaching, the Internet is abuzz with opinions on the year's best of the best. The Hollywood.com already wrangled their top 20 movies of the year, an epic list filled with blockbusters and indies, spanning every genre under the sun. Nothing disqualifies a movie from being someone's favorite of the year — yes, movies one person deems the death of cinema still can be (and reasonably so) a movie another person wholeheartedly loves. That's what keeps writers, directors, actors, and Hollywood coming back each year with new slates of wildly diverse pictures. The world's population is ready to find greatness in any story, however wacky.
Since we already gave our rundown of 2012's best, it's now your turn: what was your favorite movie of the year? Was it Liam Neeson busting up wolves all the way in January's The Grey? The so-much-better-than-it-should-be 21 Jump Street The breakout young adult fiction hit Hunger Games? One of the many billion-dollar-blockbusters from the summer? The shlocky fun Resident Evil: Retribution? Or a winter's worth ofprestige pictures all vying for Oscar love in early 2013?
Head down to the comments and tell us what your favorite movie was and why, and answer our poll on whether you think 2012 was a great year for movies. Can 2013 top it? We hope so....

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