Thursday, January 10, 2013

Naomi Watts, Ang Lee, Tim Burton & More React to Their Oscar Nominations

Oscar Nominee Reactions Naomi Watts

There must be few experiences more exciting if you're an actor or director than waking up to find you're an Oscar nominee. Several of those whose names were rattled off among the nominations for the 85th Academy Awards have already shared their joy and gratitude about the honor of competing for a little gold statuette come February 24.

Naomi Watts, Best Actress, The Impossible
“I am so thrilled and humbled with this morning’s wonderful news. The journey of telling Maria Belon’s miraculous story of survival has been an incredible experience and I am so grateful for this acknowledgement of our film. I am truly honored."

Ang Lee, Best Director, Life of Pi
“I am deeply honored and frankly a little overwhelmed by all of the nominations that Life of Pi has received this morning. So many talented people gave everything they had to this film, both in front of and behind the camera, and to see all of them receive this kind of recognition is something I am incredibly grateful for.”

Tim Burton, producer/director of Best Animated Feature nominee, Frankenweenie
"Frankenweenie is a very personal film for me. The idea of telling a feature length version was in the back of my mind for many years. Stop Motion was the perfect medium for this project, and one I've always loved for its expressiveness and dimensionality. I've worked with so many incredible artists: animators, cast members, set builders, and puppet makers, all who have helped bring this film to life one frame at a time. I'm so honored that the Academy has recognized this film as one of its nominees."

Mark Rich, director of Best Animated Feature nominee, Wreck-It Ralph
"To have the Wreck-It Ralph team's passion and years of hard work acknowledged by the Academy is an honor like no other. We are so proud, so grateful - I can't wait to congratulate everyone in-person."

Peter Lord, producer and co-director of Best Animated Feature nominee, The Pirates! Band of Misfits
"This is amazing! We tried to do something a little different with The Pirates!, in terms of tone and comedy, and it’s just brilliant that the Academy has responded to it in such a wonderful way."

Mark Andrews, director of Best Animated Feature nominee, Brave
"We are incredibly honored by today's Academy Award nomination. Brave has been an adventure from the beginning - starting with our research trips to Scotland, the crew embarked upon a journey that inspired us all and forever changed our fates. Thanks to the Academy from all of us here at Pixar."

John Kahrs, director of Best Animated Short nominee, Paperman
"It's beyond an honor to have Paperman nominated for an Oscar. I can't thank everyone on the team enough for their passion and hard work in making this dream project a reality."

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