Thursday, January 31, 2013

The 'Entourage' Movie Inspires 10 Real Bro Reactions


Every movie, no matter how accessible or far reaching, will speak with especial volume to one specific demographic. History buffs will cheer the loudest for Lincoln. Sci-fi aficionados foster the strongest anticipation for Star Trek Into Darkness. And as for the newly announced Entourage movie goes, well... that one has the bros.

That's right, bros the world over (meaning Long Island and certain parts of Los Angeles) are vocalizing their eloquent reactions to the HBO series finally hitting the big screen. While many are on board with Vincent Chase and his retinue taking their sunglassed follies to theaters, a handful are responding with a surprising amount of pessimism. Our staff has mustered its own assortment of bros, calling out to our real life frat brothers, high school pals with whom we've all but lost touch, and fellow laundromat patrons to put together this list of authentic reactions to Warner Bros. green light of the Entourage movie:

(All brotations are transcribed exactly as they have been brovided to us.)

"I bet it sux." - Andrew J.

"i think its a good idea when does it come out? The left the show on such a f**k you they needed to do there a trailer?" - Giovanni N.

"i like it, prob gonna be weak tho" - Scott P.

"i would love to see it – that and queens blvd" - Jacob N.

"What the hell were they trying to do with the tv finale anyway. They decided 'Oh let's just end it by giving everybody a happy ending.' Vince gets a girlfriend and marries her two episodes later? Drama, DRAMA, gets a career? This isn't a Wonderful Life. They already messed up the ending once. A movie won't help that. Could you even call that a movie? What would it even be about???" - Rick J.

"I think it’ll either be just good, or miss terribly." - Evan R.

"Is it 2007? Do we need this movie?- Matt V.

"VOMIT" - Adam K.

"If it's anything like the first couple of seasons then I'm definitely excited to see the movie. However, if it's going to pick up where the show left off then I have a lot less interest in seeing it." - Greg H.

"Well you can suck my d**k and have sex with vagina... I think its gunna suck" - Ben H.

[Photo Credit: HBO]

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