Monday, October 15, 2012

NYCC 2012: 'Evil Dead' Remake Debuts the Scariest Trailer You Will Ever See

Jane Levy Evil DeadThe nature of the polarizing remake of classic horror flick The Evil Dead has been a giant question mark since the first whispers of its inception began. Fans cried foul, and all the while original star and remake producerBruce Campbell trucked along, making way for a modern take on the movie that made him a star. Enter Sam Raimi's all powerful influence, director Fede Alvarez's vision, and before you know it, you've got a recipe for extreme terror. 

New York Comic Con saw the first ever footage from the controversial remake on a couple of big screens. By the time the never-before-seen trailer was through, the crowd was absolutely uncontrollable. They loved it. They really loved it. 

Here's what we saw in the creepiest trailer you will ever see:

The trailer opens up on the cabin, which is to be the site of all horrors. After a quick introduction to the characters, we zoom right in on that fateful cellar door, the entrance to a cave of horrors: at first. all we see is a creepy den of dead, hanging cats, but it turns out to be a whole lot more. As the action escalates, we witness Jane Levy as the female Ash (named Mia in this new incarnation) as she becomes possessed by a demon. Before we can catch our breaths, the horror escalates as we witness her cohorts taking off their own limbs, blood spurting in vicous splashes against various surfaces. But it gets worse.

Finally, we get to a teaser of the scene Levy calls "tree rape." A possessed tree picks Mia up, entwines itsevery limb around her every limb, and while we can't see exactly what's happening, the look of sheer pain and terror on Mia's face is enough to make anyone have nightmares for a month. The finale is a quiet scene between a possessed Mia and one of her friends, and Mia is so far gone, she's splitting her own tongue with a razor with a disturbing fervor. 

But that's not all. Campbell, who entered the room in a bright red blazer to riotous applause and cries of "BRUUUUCE," certainly knows how to keep a panel interesting, so it would be a great tragedy if we didn't give you a rundown of some of the highlights of the Evil Dead panel The Bruce Campbell show (director Fede Alvarez and star Jane Levy were there too, you know):

On Hollywood loving remakes: "They'll never learn their lesson. Thank God. I got two kids in college." - Bruce

Why isn't he in this movie? "Maybe it's just too late to strap on that chainsaw." - Bruce (This was followed by booing in disagreement. People really love Campbell.)

Fans, stop worrying. You're going to like it. "You're impatient people. You're rude, crass, impatient people ... You will be the judge of it, but we did not screw you with this movie ... If you need me to crown this girl Ash right now, I'll put the f**king crown on her head right here right now." - Bruce

The Director on why he did it: "If Sam Raimi asks you to do something like that, you don't say, 'No thank you, I don't believe in remakes.'" - Fede

Why did Diablo Cody write the script?: "As middle-aged men, we don't really know how young people talk ... and she won a f**king Academy Award." - Bruce

On what we'll see in this Evil Dead: "Maybe or maybe not tree rape." - Jane

How serious is Bruce about picking the right hero?: "Bruce was the one in the auditioning room trying to scare me away, or trying to make sure I was up for the job ... He said, 'Do you know what it feels like to be buried alive? Do you know what its like to have tubes stuck down you're throat so you can projectile vomit on people?'" - Jane

No nostalgia for this movie: "This movie stands on its own. We don't need silly props or references for you to go, 'Oooh, look!' ... This movie will be like putting on a comfortable shoe ... for you Evil Dead freaks out there, you'll be like, 'Oh, this is an Evil Dead shoe.'" - Bruce

But really, is it going to be scary?: "I've never seen that scene and that just scared the s*** out of me." - Jane

And if that's not enough: "Hardcore horror, violent, brutal, gory." - Fede

Really. It's terrifying: "I swear to God, I'm so scared right now. I'm so freaked out right now." - Jane

Remember when Bruce was in Spider-Man? He does: "I did not let Spider-Man into the theater to see his girlfriend perform, so technically I'm the only character who ever defeated Spider-Man." - Bruce

Who'd win? Bruce's Burn Notice character or Ash?: "Sam would win, Ash would cheat." - Bruce

Seriously, it's going to be good. Bruce says so: "I know you fans were pissed when you heard about the remake, don't think I didn't read about it ... I will accept all of your collective apologies when this film comes out ... I will be there in spirit in every frame of this movie. It's time to pass the torch." - Bruce 

The remake has a secret: "If you listen to all of the characters' names, it might spell something out." - Jane

[Photo Credit: Daily Celeb]

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