Friday, October 19, 2012

Justice League' Movie Planned for Summer 2015

Justice LeagueBefore the ink was even dry from yesterday's rulingon the case, Warner Brothers has allegedly already greased the wheels on the development of a plannedJustice League movie franchise. Something that the studio's motion pictures group president, Jeff Robinov, has wanted to do in order to keep their superhero strategy aggressive and competitive. 

Such a film could see the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and a host of other comic book characters join forces to fight evil, The Avengers-style. And while films will potentially be made for each of the other superheros involved, theirs will be spin-offs from Justice League; an opposite approach to Marvel and their Avengers.

According to the LA Times, a source with knowledge of the deal (who is apparently not authorized to discuss the matter publicly—sneaky!), explained that Warner Brothers has high hopes it will start shooting the movie next year with a release date scheduled for sometime in the summer of 2015. It is believed that there is a script for the film already in the works. All the film needs now is a cast and director, and we will have ourselves a proverbial ball game. Longtime fans of the DC Comics' hero Superman have anxiously awaited the upcoming reboot of Superman, Man of Steel, and yesterday's ruling ensures that they will have plenty of cinematic adventures to look forward to in the future.

There is, of course, a slight chance that the ruling could be overturned, as the estate of co-creator Joseph Shuster plans to appeal the verdict. But for now, with Warner Brothers owning a 50 percent interest in the character (the other 50 percent is owned by the other co-creator, Jerry Siegel's family).

What do you think about a potential Justice League film? Are you happy with the lawsuit ruling? Sound off in the comments!

[Photo Credit: Cartoon Network]

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