Saturday, July 20, 2013

Spring/Summer hours in session - Sunday - Friday 10a-6p. Saturday 9a-7p.

Le Blog

Whether you're planning an elegant dinner or recording a Grammy winning album, there's no denying that the little flourishes often have the biggest effect. So, too, when you're planning out that private space that you've been dreaming about ever since you turned last year's flower beds down for the winter. "I'm doing something different next year," you told yourself. "This is going to be my personal paradise, with fountains and statues and trellises. And one of those Roman girls who plays the harp." Yes, that sounds amazing, but is it really something you can pull off? And we're not even talking financially - we're talking logistically. When designing your personal garden space, it's important to keep in mind what your intentions are with the location. Is it a peaceful, reflective place where you unwind in the evening? Is it an active space, with tables and benches where your family can take meals any time of day? Or is it a rustic evocation of times gone by, filled with artifacts from bygone eras? Whatever the purpose, the look ultimately comes down to the accents you choose and how those accents are placed, keeping in mind that balance and harmony are what any well-planned garden should reflect.
The right ornaments and accents are key and have the power to truly transform your space into something unique and wholly personal. And it doesn't matter if it's a hand-carved marble statue or an abandoned washtub you found at the local antiques store - with the right details, even a crumbling Grecian urn can take on a new life and be the focal point of your entire garden. In many cases, it's best to remember the old axiom, "quality, not quantity." Take the time to search out the perfect accent - be it a statue, an urn or a new row of bushes along the border of your garden - that singularly speaks to your taste, rather than five different pieces of lesser design. There's also wildlife to think about: chances are, unless you've got a rooftop garden encased in glass, you're going to be dealing with critters of some form. So why not welcome them? Set up a nectar feeder and bring in the hummingbirds to help pollinate the honeysuckle. Or, even more daring, turn your garden into a bee sanctuary and help pollinate just about everything - and help restore bees to their natural habitat.
It's also a must to keep in mind a sense of time and place when putting your garden together. Are you trying to evoke our Grecian Garden Paradise, like in the description above? Or are you looking for that perfect English Garden, with moss-covered mounds and morning glories covering a wooden archway? When trying to create a garden in a particular style, choosing the right accents is essential to avoid a design faux pas. For example, you don't want to plop a big old Buddha right next to the baroque fountain in your French Garden. Unless eclecticism is what you're after, in which case we can help you out there, too.
Placement is just as important when it comes to accents and ornaments. Is it supposed to be the focal point of the garden or something more efficient, less ornamental? Does it take away from its surroundings or does it blend in seamlessly? If your garden is small, maybe you want taller pieces and longer walkways to maximize the space. Or if space is not a concern, maybe low-cut hedges accented by perfectly spaced urns would help create the perfect wandering garden space. Also, keep in mind how your garden will look in the off-season. A snow-covered sundial is almost as lovely as one surrounded by flowers and buzzing insects, and can help it achieve that weathered look as well.
As with all great things in nature, things take time. So take your time; slow down, relax and look carefully. Ask questions; don't be afraid to wander into unknown waters. Take opinions, from experts and random strangers. Never settle. Here at Home & Garden Culture, we firmly believe that knowledge is power, and we want to empower you to make the right decision. Make sure to ask us what we can do to guide you to the perfect piece; we can even help you design and install your garden, taking you through each step from beginning to end. Stop in and talk with us today!
Come visit us at 908 East Baltimore Pike (Route 1), Kennett Square, PA. We are 1/4 mile south of Longwood Gardens on the northbound side of Route 1, across from the Wawa. See you soon!

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