Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Star Trek' Director J.J. Abrams: No to 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Offer — The Right Move?

ALTWith all the news, trailers, and plot teases, the blockbuster sequel Star Trek Into Darkness is the talk of the town. It's also the only sci-fi franchise that J.J. Abrams has time for. Sorry Luke, Leia, and Han — no mystery box for you.

When speaking with Empiremagazine, Abrams admits he turned down the opportunity to direct the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII, saying he be sticking to the Star Trekfranchise.

"There were the very early conversations and I quickly said that because of my loyalty to Star Trek, and also just being a fan, I wouldn't even want to be involved in the next version of those things," Abrams says. "I declined any involvement very early on. I'd rather be in the audience not knowing what was coming, rather than being involved in the minutiae of making them."

And as for that inevitable fanboy competition between the two galactic franchises, Abrams added that "I guess the franchises could go up against each other, but I'm not thinking that far ahead! I'm a huge fan ofStar WarsEmpire and Jedi, and the idea of the world continuing is exciting and will be amazing," Abrams says. "Kathy Kennedy is a friend and there are no smarter producers. It's in great hands."

Star Trek Into Darkness stars Chris PineZachary Quinto, and Benedict Cumberbatch, and hits theaters on May 17, 2013. Did Abrams make the right choice sticking with his popular franchise over captaining the future of Star Wars

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