Monday, July 30, 2012

Wall Street Daily and The Oxford Club’s
September 25 – 26, 2012

"Never Pay List Price
for a Stock Again..."

Join us at the illustrious Peninsula Hotel where
our experts will explain how you could save
hundreds - or even thousands - of dollars
on your favorite stocks!

Dear Reader,

In these uncertain times, why pay list price for anything?

Especially stocks…

Just weeks from now our experts will reveal how you could reduce your money at risk and increase your potential profits. Over two action-packed days our analysts will show you the strategies they use to avoid ever paying full price for a stock. We’ll show how you could pay up to 98% less than everyone else AND book potential 100% gains - or more.

Just a few examples...

  • The secret to getting a stake in 100 shares of Apple for $52,751 less than the current stock price
  • How to pay $59,800 LESS than everyone else for a stake in 100 shares of Google...
  • The technique that allows you to pay just $69 for a stake in 100 shares of AutoZone instead of $38,573...
You'll hear all this – and more – at our Inaugural Options and Small Caps Seminar.

Our experts will show you their easiest and most potentially painless ways to trade options. It doesn't matter if you have a lot of experience with financial markets... or just a bit...

You'll learn how to potentially supercharge your gains from some of the most successful options traders around.

Karim Rahemtulla is an options trading pro. His proprietary strategies recently offered readers gains of 98%... 144%... and even an extraordinary 1,980% on a three-part play.

His colleague, Lee Lowell joined the Wall Street Daily team after serving several successful years on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). His options portfolio boasts a success rate of 91.33% - four years running.

Co-founder of WSD Insider and Chief Investment Strategist of Wall Street Daily Louis Basenese will also join us in Chicago. Lou's expertise spans from options to trading small caps. A handful of his recent plays handed readers gains of 100%... 108%... and 139%.

Our experts are convinced that now's the perfect time to jump into options trading...

Because in this uncertain market, options don't only offer a bargain. They offer aggressive protection... flexibility... leverage... and more.

We decided to organize this exclusive meeting for that exact reason...

Our experts want to share their proven strategies and exclusive plays with you. Right now, some of the open options plays in their model portfolios are seeing gains of 91.76%... 107.48%... and 114.13%. At our Inaugural Options and Small Caps Seminar in Chicago they'll reveal the next hot plays on their radar.

We're sure this inaugural event will be one of our most popular conferences to date. In fact, people are already calling to reserve the limited number of spots – and we haven't even officially announced it yet. If you'd like to attend, I encourage you to act fast...

But first, let me tell you more about why our experts have decided to hold this conference...

Why This?... Why Now?...

With options you could make a lot of money – and also save a lot – regardless of what direction the market turns.

This means no one needs to hide behind bonds – and pathetic returns – to potentially build wealth safely. When you trade options – you don’t limit your returns...and you could even turn these uncertain markets to your advantage.

Using options you may...

  • Purchase shares in bulk. This could allow you to get them for less than ¼ of the list price...
  • Profit no matter where the market moves. Our experts will teach you how to play the market for huge potential gains...
  • Set your own rules. You have the power to set the price you pay...
  • Strictly limit your downside risk...
Our analysts will show you how they may use options to save money AND make money... this September in Chicago – the place where options trading began almost 40 years ago.

Take a look at some of their proven strategies...

The Best Money-Saving,
Money-Making Strategies

Our analysts have developed their proprietary strategies in the trading pits of New York – and in the real-world markets. They now use them – every day – to show their subscribers gains such as 108%...139%...144%...and more.
Limit Your Risk and Unleash Unlimited Potential Gains

Karim has developed an exclusive strategy for trading LEAPS (Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities). It allows you to limit risk and uncover huge potential gains.

Karim likes LEAPS for many reasons. These special options can have expiration dates many months – even years – from the time of purchase. That means you have years for the trade to move in your direction – just like a stock.

The difference: you may spend a tenth of the money up front. And you could collect 10 times the profit on the back end. Say a stock moves from $5 to $10. You would gain 100%. But if you purchase a LEAP on the same stock it could move from 1.00 to 5.00 and you could gain 400%.

Look at the chart above. Using Karim's LEAPS strategy you could purchase 100 shares of Apple today for $337. All you would risk to purchase that option is the initial $337.

In comparison, if you bought 100 shares of Apple, you'd have to cough up $53,038. And ALL of that cash would be at risk.

The beauty of LEAP options is that you have the option to sell the LEAP outright for any gain in price or exercise the LEAP and own the stock. You have the ultimate control.

In Chicago, Karim will show you his method to using LEAPS – and give you his best LEAPS recommendations.

But that’s not all you’ll discover...

Cash In When the Market Swings Up... Or Down

Karim's subscribers have also made tons of money with his "strangle" strategy. It sets them up to score fantastic gains whether a stock moves up or down.

Basically you buy two stock options – one called a "call" and one called a "put". A "call" is a bet that the stock will rise. A put bets the stock will fall. (You'll learn more about this when you join us in Chicago).

Take a look at the chart below. Say XYZ stock currently trades at $100 a share. To employ the strangle option strategy, you could buy a call for $90 and a put for $110.

If the price of XYZ stock moves outside of the range – above $110 or below $90 - you profit.

You can use this strategy to potentially produce gains of 100%... 200%... or even more.

At our Inaugural Options and Small Caps Seminar, Karim will walk you through his personal strategy for trading strangles, step-by-step.
Don't Wait for Your Gains... Pocket Them Up Front

Lee's personal strategy for put-selling has helped his readers see significant gains since he joined our team.

Put-selling gives people the ability to own any stock they want – at a significant discount. They could even pocket returns "up front" – when they place the trade.

Instead of buying options, they sell them. They become the "house" at the casino, raking in huge, predictable gains.

Here's how it works:

First you sell a "put" option on ABC stock with a "strike price" of $10 – expiring in 90 days. You could pocket $1,000 – up front.

If the underlying stock stays above $10, you keep your money. If it goes below, you can buy the shares on the cheap.

Either way you win.

Lee will tell you more about his methods and show you how to make this strategy work in Chicago.

You won't only learn about options, either...
And Much More...

Co-founder and Chief Investment Strategist of WSD Insider Louis Basenese will reveal information on what he calls "a virtual breeding ground for profits over the next few months."

"We should embrace such strong momentum, not run from it. Because it's likely to continue."
- Louis Basenese
I'm talking about small caps – stocks with relatively small market capitalization.

Investing in small caps – now – could produce considerable gains. Right now they're up 38% outpacing large caps by almost eight full percentage points. And their low, bargain price makes them a perfect target for investors.

Lou will show you his method for cashing in on this opportunity at our Inaugural Options and Small Caps Seminar.

Let me tell you a little more about our experts...

The Experts Behind the Strategies
You Need - NOW

For this premier event, we've gathered some of the top financial minds out there. Not only will Karim, Lee and Louis fill you in on how you may never have to pay full price for a stock again – but other top analysts will share their inside tips on trading small caps... technical trading... and more. Take a look...

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