Thursday, May 16, 2013




Buddhism in The World

The Buddha statue in Mount Everest

Buddhism in Africa _/\_ 

Wise men and ignorant men differ radically. Ignorant men never appreciate kindness shown to them, but wise men appreciate and are grateful. 
Wise men express their appreciation and gratitude by some return of kindness, not only to their benefactor, but to all living beings.


With Rahul BaruaSushil Gurung and Thy Le.

When 25,000 Muslims mobs attack over 27 Buddhist sites and homes destroying historically valuable artifacts and treasures across 5 towns and over a dozen villages, it clearly shows that it was no spontaneous attack. How could 25,000 Muslims gather if it was not planned? The damage is colossal. Gold Buddha statues, Tripitaka, ancient temples the very places that Muslims taken refuge in during 1971 to escape the wrath of the Pakistan army. Of the 153m Bangladesh population Buddhists comprise less than 1% though it was one time a Buddhist country.(Bangladesh)..